Wednesday, July 29, 2009


I decided to have a fundraiser/birthday party for my almost 4 year old with masto. My decision came at a good time...right at the time I found out he has the gene mutation that could mean he'll have masto forever. It seemed the right thing to do. I have to DO something, so I'm going to try to raise some money for Mastokids.

I don't know how I thought I could do it all...four kids and a full time job plus overtime whenever I can get it. Am I crazy??? Yes, I suppose I am. Anyway, we are full out planning the party, and people have been wonderful. We have bouncer donated. We are getting some food donated. Kohl's is sending volunteers, and the 501st Legion is sending Darth Vader and hopefully some stormtroopers. We are really excited about that!!! They are soooo cool. If you've never seen them, it's like Star Wars just walked off the set and into your party. My kids and my husband are so excited.

I guess I've been entertaining the idea of having a fundraiser since last December....but like all things in my life, I only do something when I absolutely have to. I wish I was more of a planner, but I'm just not. I didn't really start planning until the Star Wars guys actually committed to coming. So now I'm in panic mode trying to get it all done. My poor husband...I have him loaded up with projects for outside...since the party is here, all the projects that we've been needing to do for the last, oh, four years, are getting done in the next three weeks!!

As far as Jack is concerned, he's been doing really great. The diet (dye/preservative free) is really working great. I have mangaged to keep from "cheating". He has been relatively happy, but I'm wondering about these popsicles he's been eating the last two days...kind of cranky. They are supposed to be "naturally" colored with tumeric and annato (?sp) but I'm not sure if he should be eating them. Hmmm....I'll have to ask my peeps.

The baby has had a bad day...I let him eat a couple of natural Cheetos. Oy. What in the world was I thinking. I swear...two skin tests say he's not allergic to milk, but his gut says he is. That's enough of that. His skin is all broken out. I feel like such a bad momma sometimes, but when he's pitching a fit because he wants to eat what the other kids are eating, I feel like one or two won't hurt him. Problem is, it does.

The older kids are happy today. I bought my oldest some new things at a store she loves. I feel good about that. So often my attention is on the younger kids, I feel like she is pushed aside. I do try to make an effort to spend time alone with each of them, but it's so hard. There's not enough time in the day. I hope they don't grow up and end up in therapy because I neglected them. My oldest son got to spend his gift card at the resale video game store. That was great. He spent sooooo long sorting through them all....I did my best to keep the younger ones occupied. I didn't want him to have to rush. There's something great about being able to go in a store and buy anything in there!!!! He ended up getting two games which were 50% off, and has a good amount left on the card. He is soooo like me...he loves a bargain and doesn't spend all his money in one shot. That is something I love about him.

Life is so busy...I really hope when I grow old I will remember this time with my children. I hope I don't forget how wonderful they really are. Time goes so fast.


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