Sunday, August 23, 2009

Party News

Well, I am happy to report that our birthday party/fundraiser was a success!!! It was yesterday. I had been praying for nice warm weather. prayers were answered, but in a way I wasn't expecting:) Jack doesn't tolerate weather that is too warm...he stays in until around 6 or 7pm most days during the summer, and goes out to play when it cools off. The weather was cool--probably 65 degrees. It was cloudy and threatening to rain. It was perfect for him!! He was outside playing happily all day! If it wasn't for the "terrible" weather, he would have been inside missing his own party!!! It was GREAT!!!!

The Star Wars guys were amazing. Darth Vader rounded up two stormtroopers and they were in full action from 4 to 6pm. They posed for pictures, mingled and even chased the kids around. Darth Vader even swung on our swings!! It was really funny!

We made more than $2,600!!!!!! My family and friends overwhelmed me with generosity!! I am truly blessed!! It was exhausting but rewarding. We had amazing help from family and friends. Everyone had fun and we made good money---I couldn't have asked for more.

So.....just wanted to share:)


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