Saturday, August 16, 2008

I woke up with a wonderful phone call--they didn't need me at work. Which means I get to stay home and work--just a different sort of work. Housework, babywork, preschool work. I also get to squeeze in my run. I'm training for a half marathon.

The big kids are at their grandma and grandpa's. Their dad and step mom just had their first baby early Friday morning--a girl who remains at this time, unnamed. I am excited for my daughter who up until this time only had brothers. I always wanted her to have a sister. Prayer answered, even if it is in an unconventional way. Her dad and I have put aside our differences and have become friends, in a sense. I figure it's best for the kids if we all get along. So my two year old will occasionally go to his parents, and calls them mimi and papa. Some people find it strange that we get along so well. It works for us.

We are going to my sister-in-laws for my son's three year old birthday party. The official day is Wednesday, but my mother-in-law is down from Torch Lake and we're having a little party, which I "get" to attend now that I'm not working. We're having another party Wednesday night. I'm not sure why, but it always has to be separate when it comes to my mil. I would love it if my mom and her could be friends, but that hasn't seemed to work out, so my mom continues to hang out with my ex-inlaws, which is also strange, I suppose.

So, I'm off to run my run, then do some cleaning out until we have to leave. I'm feeling this strange need to purge our house of all unused items. I can't stop thinking how great it will feel when this happens, but the problem is that it's really hard when you have four kids to really be productive. I wonder if other moms feel this way. I sometimes feel like other people really have it together, and I always seem to be forgetful, a little messy, and generally non-productive. I can barely keep up with the everyday housework much less additional chores. My husband and I work opposite days, so one of us is always home, but the problem with that is that only one of us is always home. And the rare day we're here together, like today, we both have separate agenda's--things we save until the other is available to watch the kids.

Well, I suppose I won't get much done this way....

1 comment:

Beth said...

you amaze me....i had no idea that you could write!

keep at it!!!