Friday, August 22, 2008

Crazy week, Crazy life...

It always amazes me what a week can bring. You're going along in your life, which I always feel I have planned out, and along comes a bunch of unexpected craziness. I guess when you think about it, that's what life is--a bunch of unexpected craziness mixed in with what you think your life should be.

The beginning of the week started with detox. Not your average start to the week. My husband has a history of chronic pain. Back surgeries, physical therapy, acupuncture, name it, he's tried it. His doctor had him on some pain medication which wasn't supposed to be addictive. Wrong!! He was needing more and more to get the same relief, and before you know it, he can't stop taking them . I have to admit that in the end, he wasn't being completely honest about how much he was taking, so that was a shock to me as well. So, he came clean with me and decided that pain or not, he's stopping the drug. So Tuesday morning was his last dose and by Tuesday afternoon and into the evening he's in full blown withdrawal. Now, we're just an average family with average problems, so I don't have experience with handling someone in full blown withdrawal. I don't know if you've ever seen it, but it's not pretty. Cold sweats, agitation, anxiety, headache, stomach flu, skin was awful. He didn't sleep much and when he dozed off he twitched all over!! I could not believe I was married to someone going through withdrawal!! He made it through and is much better now, but it was shocking.

My son's third birthday was Wednesday. Yes, in the middle of detox. We had planned a party for him--nothing special, just some family coming over for a little cake and ice cream. What could be more American than that?? Elmo was the theme of the day, and I found some great decorations. We decorated the cake and it was a great night. Except for the fact that my husband was freaking out and took a nap in the middle of the party. Super. What was I supposed to say..".Oh, sorry, J's detoxing...can I get you something to drink?" just make something up and go with the flow.

Thursday brought news that was almost unbelievable. It was straight from the movies. My sister-in-law's "friend" went crazy and killed the father of her child. What the f??? Could this week get any worse?? They were having a custody dispute and apparently her "friend" (I won't say boyfriend because she claims they weren't together) couldn't sit back and watch the boy be traumatized any more by this father whom they felt was possibly abusing him. It's not proven, just a theory. In any case, he took matters into his own hands and took care of business (in his eyes, I guess). So now we're waiting to see what happens...hopefully she gets cleared of any wrong doing (she didn't know her friend was going to do this) and they can move on. But seriously, that was enough for one week!!!

Today was Friday and just an average work day. Thank goodness nothing else came up today, because I was beginning to think I should call Jerry Springer and ask to be a guest. I guess I'm not in the clear since tomorrow is only Saturday...that leaves a whole 24 hours for something weird to happen. I'll let you know.

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